Automatic release. Load capacity = 1000 kg. Complete emptying...
Tipping skip ESSENTIAL / reduced height
Two or three containers on a single chassis. Independent tilting by manual control lever. Multi-use dumping bucket. Painted, galvanized or stainless steel finish. Version with or without wheels. Options on request. Made to request.
For more information, download the technical sheet below.
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CONTACTEZ-NOUSPour vous assurer de votre choix, Goubard vous offre la possibilité de tester avant de vous engager. 95% des clients qui testent nos produits les achètent plus tard !
Tipping skip ESSENTIAL / reduced height
Automatic release. Load capacity = 1000 kg. Complete emptying...
Tipping skip reduced height
Automatic release. Complete emptying (no filling requirements). Perfect for...
Tipping skip reduced-height – Large Width
Perfect for under presses. For all applications with...
Tipping skip customised version
Versatile, for collecting all kinds of waste...
Tipping skip high-capacity
High-capacity. For low-density, voluminous or bulky waste.
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la gamme sur mesure a bien été
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